Dashboard is Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Template that comes with all essential - dashboard components, elements and pages that are required to build a full-featured and data-rich back-end, dashboard, admin panel solution for your next web projects.
This Dashboard template handcrafted for Tailwind CSS to serve multiple purposes for now it provides 2 unique dashboard variations such as - eCommerce and Analytics, we will keep adding new variations based on user feedback.
UI Elements
Form Elements
Data Tables
Charts and Graph
Auth Pages
This template is based on a plain Tailwind CSS coded in HTML + Tailwind CSS for interactions we have used in Alpine JS.
If you are looking for a great looking solid Tailwind CSS dashboard or admin template, Dashboard will be the perfect choice for you!
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Buy All TemplatesReleased on: 08/12/2022
Last Updated: 23/10/2024
Built with: Tailwind V3.x
Version: 1.1